Today we’re introducing 0xSplits, the protocol for trustless, composable, gas-efficient splits. It’s non-upgradable, completely free to use, and entirely onchain. 0xSplits is a piece of permanent infrastructure—in the form of a hyperstructure—and it’s live on Ethereum today. Give it a try at
Splits are foundational building blocks upon which onchain collaboration will flourish. Multisends, multisigs, DAOs—they’re all fantastic tools, but sometimes what you need is something far simpler, lighter, and more automated. Splits are just that. They’re lightweight, cheap to create, easy to integrate, and extremely composable. Ultimately, they establish trust and remove burden.
When Mirror introduced splits, we were inspired by this simple idea—a contract that continuously splits incoming funds among recipients according to preset ownership percentages. It’s a simple concept with big implications, but we know that simple doesn’t mean easy.
We researched similar contracts to understand their design tradeoffs, spoke with many creators & builders to see what was & wasn’t working, and quickly learned that this problem was unsolved. If you want to share future income with between two and a few hundred recipients, it’s difficult & expensive to do today.
Based on these conversations, we designed 0xSplits protocol around three core principles:
What can you actually do with a split? You can send ETH and ERC20s to the Split’s address, knowing that each recipient will always receive their share. You can have Splits fund other Splits, allowing value to flow many layers deep. You can incentivize Splits, encouraging third parties to distribute funds on behalf of the recipients. You can mutate Splits, by giving one address (a multisig, smart contract, EOA, etc) the ability to change the Split in the future. You can assign a Split an ENS name, making it easy for others to point to it. Most importantly, you can rely on a Split, knowing that it will continue to operate forever – no breaking changes, no potential for censorship, no manual work.
Finally, we think Splits are a great way to fund public goods. Since 0xSplits is a public good itself, we’ve created an inaugural Split that we hope you’ll consider making a small recipient in some of the Splits you create. Donations.0xsplits.eth points to a Split that supports the development of this protocol, while also giving back to the communities and projects that have supported its development to date:
You can give Splits a try today – just head to, it only takes only a few seconds to create one. To learn more about how the protocol works, take a look at the docs, and feel free to reach out at hello at We can’t wait to see what you’ll build using Splits.
P.S. – we’re particularly excited about the ability to make a mutable split controlled by a smart contract that references other onchain state. We think there are a ton of uses around purpose-built Splits, so please reach out if this interests you, we’d love to support you.